Which handset will understand you more?

Samsung GALAXY S3 sleeping function exists during the fast developing speed, and also function also is changed our life, more muscular smart mobiles function, designer is also more understand our users’ experience.

We said zp910 androidthe mobiles can understand our consumer’s heart, and we all must mentioned concerning Samsung Galaxy S3 auto sleeping function. How about the Galaxy S3 performance?


Before, after we surfing internet visit e-book or check the website, our mobiles screen are going to be black sleeping status in a very period time. We'd like unlock our screen. The smart zp910 phone sleeping function will let solve the question.

When we utilize the Galaxy S3 rear camera, huawei G520 we're able test our users’ eye ball wheter stare at the handset screen. As soon as stare to the screen, the screen will auto recognize what’s our users need? Ahead of function, we'd like first start up the installed the recognize function. When our eyelight remains the screen, the mobile phone screen will auto get to be the lock status according your setting time.